Another NYC Souvenir - COVID!
I know you were disappointed not to see the installment from last week, but we had an excuse. Olivia came down with what she described as a cold on Thursday the 18th, but refused to stay home on the 19th, because she and Sister Taylor had planned our trip to the Frick museum and she was determined to go. She felt awful and got worse during the visit, even though she found much with which to be amazed. By the time we left and were supposed to get the subway to the El Salvador Consulate, she had decided to just go home. The Taylors wanted to visit the consulate, so the three of us went, only to discover that it was closed due to expected bad weather (which never happened). A wasted trip. I was glad she had decided to go home, because she was quite sick. The museum has a huge variety of paintings Small collections in groupings like this to large masterpieces. The website said photography was allowed but the security guards and signs everywhere disagreed. We took a few before realizin...