Christmas has Arrived

It seems like we work up to Christmas for weeks, so when it arrives, we're finally done with it. But then you realize it's all suddenly over. I like the idea of the 12 days of Christmas as it is celebrated in other countries. Christmas is the first day, but then little reminders for another 11 days. It lets you down slowly. We liked the Swedish tradition of keeping the tree up until January 13, then dancing around it while singing, taking down the decorations with the children finding special bags of treats for them among the decorations in the tree, then throwing it out the door. Christmas in the City is a big deal, mostly for commercial purposes, but not entirely. The businesses are not greatly benefited by Christmas trees, but many have them, anyway. There is a good feeling where Christmas is prominent. In our neighborhood only a few houses have Christmas decorations, but there are some rather elaborately decorated ones. Not that many Christian homes, here. Still, we are wis...