New Sights; New Places
Rheumatoid arthritis stopped her from many things she enjoyed, but she still had a sharp mind and sharp wit. She was a teletype operator in the WAVES during WWII August 22, 1923 my mother was born in Vernal, Utah. She died just a few months prior to her 91st birthday in March of 2014. Had she lived, she would have been 100 this past week. She taught us to appreciate high expectations, and to respect fine work of all kinds. She was kind and seemed to know what to do with most hurts, illnesses, and even heartaches. She loved to read us stories and re-read the ones that touched us most (how many times did we read Pierre and the Orange Tree Lady from the big Readers' Digest volume?). She was a natural when dealing with any kind of animal, but refused to allow us to keep a stray dog or cat (until we children begged and promised to take care of it ourselves). So much more I could write. I miss her and think of her almost every day. Love your bones , Mom! What an...